Competitive Entrance Exams & Admissions
Students are admitted to ENSAI by either taking a French competitive entrance exam (un concours) or as a transfer student (l’admission sur titre).
Competitive Entrance Exams
Statistical engineering or civil servant statistician program
- Concours Mathématiques (Mathematics Competitive Exam)
Candidates are admitted on the strength of their performance on the competitive entrance exam, “Concours communs” (CCINP).
- Concours Économie et sciences sociales – B/L (Economics and Social Sciences Competitive Exam – B/L)
Students are selected from a pool of candidates who take exams from the inter-ENS exams. The written exams are the same exams as those in the economics and social sciences entrance exams at ENSAE (Paris). The oral exams take place at ENSAI.
- Concours Économie et gestion – D2 (Economics Management Competitive Exam – D2)
These are the same exams as those for the economics competitive examination with the “Economics and Management” option for ENS Cachan (ENS Cachan D2 preparatory classes), with specific coefficients, to which is added a specific oral examination in mathematics.
INSEE Civil Servant Statistician Program
- Concours interne (Internal Entrance Exam)
This exam is open to civil servants and non-tenured employees working in all three branches of the French civil service and their dependent public institutions, as well as to magistrates and the members of the French Armed Forces. This entrance exam is also open to candidates working in international intergovernmental organizations.
Transfer Students
Engineering Program
This method of admissions is open to students who have successfully completed one of the following:
- 2 years of post secondary school education (Bac+2): holders of a DUT (French University Technology Diploma equivalent to an HND) in Statistics and Business Intelligence (STID) or Computer Science
- a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in:
- Mathematics and Computer Science applied to Human and Social Sciences (Miashs)
- Statistics
- Applied Mathematics
- Economic Science
- Computer Science applied to Business Management (Miage)
- or equivalent
Master admissions are only on titles. A minimum of 4 years of higher education equivalent to 240 ECTS credits (at least a 4-year degree or first year of a master’s degree) is required.