

If you have any questions about studying at ENSAI, the Ker Lann campus, nearby housing, public transportation, student life, etc. here are some answers and resources:

What are the career opportunities for civil servant data scientists?

After two years of courses, mostly in common with the engineering program, civil servants can complete, if certain criteria are met, the Master’s degree in “Data Science for Public Decision-Making”, co-accredited with the University of Rennes, either immediately following the end of their studies, or as a continuing education program.

They can also choose to enter the workforce directly. Their career can be oriented towards applied mathematics, economic studies, and computer science at INSEE, in statistical services of various French Ministries (the economy, education, employment, social affairs, sustainable development, etc.) or in institutions like the Banque de France, research centers, Eurostat, etc.

Official statisticians can, conditionally after several years of professional experience, reach the rank of Principal or Chief officer or other high-ranking officials in the civil service through competitive exams or promotions.

What are the salaries and career prospects for engineering students?

Every year we measure the integration of our graduates into the workforce through an occupational insertion survey created by the Conférence des grandes écoles. Results show that ENSAI graduates are able to capitalize on their scientific and practical training, which clearly meet the needs of businesses. 

Salaries for entry-level engineers at ENSAI remain above the average earnings of an engineer. The strong demand for data scientists with a solid academic and operational background ensures very advantageous salaries. 

Risk analyst, biostatistician, data engineer, data analyst, research engineer, credit modeler, machine learning engineer, health economist, model inspector, research engineer… the types of positions reflect the presence of ENSAI alumni in numerous business sectors and across the entire data processing value chain. But one position stands out clearly in recruitment profiles: data scientist. 

> Find out more about salaries and jobs held by ENSAI graduates

Can I work in the public sector even if I’m an engineer?

Yes, engineers are also needed in the public sector.

The Data Science, Economic Modeling & Health program provides a background in statistical engineering, economics and econometrics applied to knowledge of territorial dynamics and health. This expertise is increasingly sought after in the evaluation of public policies.

The Data Science for Economic & Health Modeling program also opens the door to careers in public research institutes such as Inserm and Inrae.

Does ENSAI have an integrated preparatory course?

No, ENSAI is not a post-bac school. ENSAI recruits students having studied for at least two years at the university level, either through competitive examination after a CPGE MP, MPI, PC, PSI, B/L or D2, or by application after a BUT 2 or 3 (Data Science or Computer Science), a three-year or four-year undergraduate degree or a one-year master’s degree in MIASHS, mathematics, economics, or an equivalent discipline leading to a diploma, in France or abroad.

ENSAI is described as a “human-sized school”, what does that imply?

ENSAI has around 550 students, from first year to PhD, including Masters and executive Masters. This relatively small number, compared with larger universities, means easier access to teachers and staff.

ENSAI’s human scale also allows for the development of a rich student and community life.

Is ENSAI a public school?

Yes, ENSAI is a public engineering school (Grande école). It falls under the technical supervision of l’INSEE and is attached to the Ministry for the Economy and Finance of France. ENSAI, along with ENSAE Paris, is part of the Group of National Economics and Statistics Schools (GENES), a public higher education and research establishment. 

Graduates of ENSAI’s engineering program, accredited by the Commission des titres d’ingénieur (CTI), receive a Master-level degree delivered by the French government. 

ENSAI trains data scientists – engineers or civil servants – who are able to give meaning to data.

Civil servant data scientist
Can insee civil servant students in data science benefit from an international experience ?

Yes, internships, academic exchanges, and double degrees are all possible when enrolling in the public data scientist program. While international mobility is not required (as opposed to engineering students), it is encouraged.

What diploma do insee civil servant students receive?

Future Insee civil servant data scientists graduate from ENSAI with a Master‘s degree after three years of study.

When do you become an insee civil servant student ?

Students enrolled in the public data scientist program have Insee civil servant status as soon as they register at ENSAI.

Do civil servant data scientist students get paid?

Public data scientists have civil servant status. Their studies are state-funded, and they are paid around €1,650 gross per month for the first two years of their studies at ENSAI, and more during the Data Science for Public Decision-Making program.

Student life
What are the tuition fees at ensai?

Statistical engineering students
The annual tuition fee is €2,650 for EU students. Beneficiaries of need-based financial aid do not have to pay tuition fees. The yearly tuition fee is €4,150 for non-EU students.
All engineering students, including those with financial aid, must pay the CVEC fee (according to current rate)

Insee civil servant trainees
Tuition fees are covered by the French government.
Students are paid approximately €1,1550 per month before taxes while studying at ENSAI.

Master for Smart Data Science students
Tuition fees are either €4,000 for EU students or €6,000 for non-EU students.

All Master for Smart Data students, including those with financial aid, must pay the CVEC fee (according to current rate). More information in English can be found on the Campus France website.

Master in Data Science for Public Decision Making students
Tuition fees for 2020/2021 are €243 for EU citizens and €3,770 for non-EU students.
All Master students, including those with a fincial aid, must pay the CVEC fee. More information in English can be found on the Campus France website.

Mastère Spécialisé® Data Science pour la Connaissance Client  

This executive master’s degree has a work-study stucture. 

Tuition fees for students enrolled in the Mastère Spécialisé® program at ENSAI are 12,000 € if they are employed (and the financing of their training is covered by an agreement with the school) and 8,000 € if they are not. 

This master’s program is not eligible for CROUS scholarships. 

All students of the Mastère Spécialisé® Data Science pour la Connaissance Client are required to pay the CVEC (according to the current rate). 

How do i apply for a grant/scholarship?

ENSAI entrusts the management of its need-based financial aid to the CROUS of Rennes, in accordance with the regulations in force at the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Need-based higher education scholarships are awarded to eligible students facing financial difficulties that would otherwise prevent them from undertaking or pursuing higher education.

Exception: students from African schools that have bilateral agreements with GENES are not eligible for CROUS grants but are eligible for specific GENES grants. They will be contacted directly by ENSAI with information about submitting their application.

To find out if you are eligible for a scholarship, you can run a simulation on the Etudiant.gouv website. 

> Find out more 

Where’s the best place to live?

Numerous students choose to live on or near the Ker Lann campus, to save on commuting time. 7 student residences are available on campus and within a 10-minute walk of the school. You’ll also find a wide range of rentals in Bruz and neighboring towns (Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande, Rennes, Chartres-de-Bretagne, Pont-Péan, Laillé…).

If you prefer the atmosphere and services of a big city, you can live in Rennes and use public transport (metro/train/bus) or your own car to get to campus.

Here’s an article in french written by the BDE about accommodation, on campus and in Rennes (updated June 2023) 

Is ensai close to the center of rennes?

ENSAI is located on the Campus de Ker Lann, south of Rennes and 5 minutes by car from the airport in St-Jacques de la Lande.

A commuter train links the Ker Lann campus to Rennes in 7 to 10 minutes and there are several regular buses to and from the center of Rennes, as well as a metro, which take an average of 25 to 35 minutes for each ride.

Are there opportunities to practice sports at ensai?

Yes, at ENSAI, optional sports classes are offered to students in the evening.

Proposed sports include: soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, tennis, badminton, cross-training, table tennis, and running.
Tournaments are organized on campus for badminton, soccer, handball, and basketball.

Students also have access to shared athletic facilities on campus (a soccer field, tennis courts, indoor volleyball and badminton courts, dedicated spaces for playing pétanque and palet breton, and table tennis) as well as a small gym at ENSAI. Open from 7:30 a.m to 7:30 p.m, ENSAI’s gym is equipped with several exercise machines (elliptical bike, stationary bike, treadmill, and rowing machine), exercise mats, equipment for core strengthening, and two punching bags.


How can i get in touch with ENSAI students?

To get in touch with students, contact the ENSAI BDE on Instagram or ask to join the private Facebook group of those eligible (active during the periods leading up to the admissions orals). The BDE and admittees will answer all your questions and share their experience at ENSAI.

If you’d like to get in touch with our alumni, send an e-mail to

Admission / Entrance exams
Does the physics grade count towards admission to ensai?

Yes, in accordance with CCINP regulations. However, the school’s curriculum does not include physics and chemistry, and focuses on applied mathematics, computer science and economics.

Are there any preparatory classes that are preferable for admission to ensai?

No. ENSAI recruits based on a competitive entrance examination, and the candidate’s institution of origin is not considered in the admission criteria. The school welcomes students from all over France and abroad.

i’m in my third year of but (bachelor universitaire de technologie), can i enter ensai directly in my second year?

No, admission after a BUT is only possible in the first year.

What are the requirements to join ensai on the basis of qualifications?

Engineering program

Entry on the basis of academic qualifications is open to candidates who have studied in France or abroad, hold a BUT (Data Science or Computer Science), and have a Licence 3 (L3) or Master 1 (M1) in the Miashs (Applied Computer Mathematics and Human and Social Sciences), Statistics, Mathematics or Economics specializations, or equivalent.


Masters programs

Entry to the Master’s program is based on academic qualifications only. A minimum of 4 years of higher education equivalent to 240 ECTS credits (at least a 4-year Bachelor’s degree or the first year of a Master’s degree) is required.


It is not possible to enter the Insee civil servant Data Scientist program on the basis of academic qualifications.

How can i obtain proof of enrollment and/or admission letter?

Our admissions service can provide you with a letter of admission as soon as you are admitted to ENSAI. Students will obtain their proof of enrollment certificate (certificat de scolarité) once they have officially accepted the offer of admission to ENSAI and paid their tuition fees.

What are the entrance exams for ensai?

There are four entrance examinations to apply to ENSAI: 

The “Economics and Social sciences” competitive entrance examination (students from khâgnes scientifiques B/L – inter-ENS competitive entrance examination) 

The “Economics and Management” competitive entrance examination (students from ENS Paris Saclay D2 preparatory classes – inter-ENS competitive entrance examination) 

The “Mathematics” competitive entrance examination (students in MP, MPI, PC, PSI scientific preparatory classes – concours commun INP) 

Internal competitive exam: This competitive exam is open to civil servants and public contract workers of the three civil services and public establishments dependent on them, as well as to military personnel, magistrates and candidates working for an international intergovernmental organization. 

What are the coefficients of the competitive entrance exams?

The coefficients for the competitive entrance exams to ENSAI are as follows: 


Economics and social sciences 

Economics and management 

Internal competitive examination 

Changes for the economics and management competitive entrance examination: the test entitled “composition of general economic analysis” becomes “composition of microeconomic analysis” and the test entitled “composition of monetary analysis and/or economic policy” becomes “composition of macroeconomic analysis”. 

Can you change your course of study?

No, there are no bridges between the engineering and the Insee civil servant program. On the other hand, once they’ve graduated and completed their eight-year commitment, public-sector data scientists can work in the private sector. In the same way, engineering graduates can put their skills to work in the public sector.

What’s the difference between the engineering program and the insee civil servant program (public data scientist)?

The program for the first two years is common to both the engineering and the Insee civil servant program. In the third year, the curriculum differs when it comes to choosing a specialization.

Are physics and chemistry taught at ensai?

No, there are no physics courses at ENSAI. The program focuses on applied mathematics, computer science and economics.

Are there any international experiences planned during my studies?

International exposure is a priority at ENSAI. Students must spend time abroad, in the form of a study period or internship, to obtain the engineering diploma. The school has over 40 partnerships in Europe, the United States, Africa and Asia.

International experience is not mandatory for students in the public data scientist program, but is possible (exchanges, double degrees, internships) and even recommended.

Is it possible to get a double degree?

Yes, several double degree agreements exist for statistical engineering students and Insee civil servant statisticians with schools and universities in France and abroad.

How long is the commitment period for an insee civil servant data scientist?

An Insee civil servant data scientist has an eight-year commitment to the state. Their education is included in these eight years. If they decide to leave the public sector before the end of this period, they must repay the salary they received while at school.

Do students carry out internships during their studies?

Yes, all of our students carry out internships during their studies at ENSAI. 

Engineering students : in total, 8 to 12 months of internships during the program,  Learn more here. 

Civil servant trainees:
– 8 weeks for INSEE civil servant trainees at the end of their 1st year of studies.
– 4 to 6 months for Master in Public Evaluation and Decision Making students. 

Master in Statistics for Smart Data: 4 to 6 months at the end of their studies.