
Transfer Students (engineering track)


ENSAI recruits transfer students to engineering program who have…

  • a DUT (a 2-year or 3-year French University of Technology Diploma equivalent to an HND) in Statistics and Business Intelligence (STID) or Computer Science
  • a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in:
    – Mathematics and Computer Science applied to Human and Social Sciences (Miashs)
    – Statistics
    – Mathematics
    – Economic Sciences
  • an official diploma from a foreign university or school of higher education in a comparable field of studies and at a similar level
  • an official diploma or satisfactory results on exit exams from an accredited engineering school that is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles

Enrollment Procedure

Depending upon the exact nature of their previous studies, candidates are admitted into either the 1st or 2nd year.

Applications must only be submitted online through the ENSAI website. Candidates who go/went to school abroad need to apply in November. Candidates who go/went to school in France need to apply in January.



1- Candidates who go to school abroad (profile Bac+3 / Bac+4)

– Applications are closed

– Jury of eligibility: end of March 2024
– Interviews: 12 April 2024
– Jury of admission :  April 2024

2- Candidates who go to school in France (profile Bac+2, Bac+3 / Bac+4 / Bac+5)

a) Candidates with 2 years or 3 years of undergraduate education => BUT  (until 15 April 2024)
– Applications are closed

– Jury of eligibility: middle of May 2024
– Interviews: end of May 2024
– Jury of admission :  en of May 2024

b) Candidates with 3 to 5 years of undergraduate education (ex: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree)
– Applications are closed (until 15 April 2024)
– Jury of eligibility: middle of May 2024
– Interviews: 27,28, 29 May 2024
– Jury of admission :  en of May 2024



Results are announced publicly on ENSAI’s website.

1- Candidates who go to school abroad

2- Candidates who go to school in France





Key Figures 2019

Engineering Students

Candidates who went to school in France

Candidates who went to school abroad, including partner schools

105 applications received (35 DUT, 70  Bachelor’s/Master’s)

118 applications received

44 shortlisted candidates (17 DUT, 27  Bachelors’s/Master’s)

50 shortlisted candidates

21 admitted candidates (9 DUT, 12 Bachelor’s/Master’s)

21 admitted candidates


ENSAI Admissions
Engineer Statistician and Official Statistician Admissions
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 47 / 32 03
Campus Channel Oral

Engineer or Public Statistician programs: ENSAI passes the oral on Campus Channel!

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High-level training, recognized expertise, promising career opportunities: ENSAI in 180 s.