- Statistics for dependent data
- Time series analysis
- Markov chains
Campus de Ker Lann
51 Rue Blaise Pascal
BP 37203
35172 BRUZ Cedex
Truquet, L., Cohen J. E., Doukhan, P. Inferring the parameters of Taylor's law in ecology. Link
Franchi, G., Truquet L. Theory and inference for multivariate autoregressive binary models with an application to absence-presence data in Ecology. Link
Franchi, G., Truquet, L. Time series models on the simplex, with an application to dynamic modeling of relative abundance data in Ecology.Link
Truquet, L. Ergodic properties for some Markov chains models in random environments.Link
Portier, F. Yamane, I. Truquet, L. Scalable and hyper-parameter-free non-parametric covariate shift adaptation with withconditional sampling. Link. To appear in Journal of Machine Learning Research.
Debaly, M., Neumann, M.H., Truquet, L. (2024) Mixing properties of nonstationary multivariate count processes. Link. To appear in Journal of Time Series Analysis.
Truquet, L. Strong mixing properties of discrete-valued time series with
exogenous covariates. Link. To appear in Stochastic Processes and their Applications.
Doukhan, P., Neumann, H.M., Truquet, L. Stationarity and ergodic properties for some observation-driven models in random environments. PDF. Accepted in The Annals of Applied Probability.
Debaly, Z.M., Truquet, L. (2022) Multivariate time series models for mixed data. Link. To appear in Bernoulli.
Debaly, Zinsou Max, Truquet, L. (2021) Iterations of dependent random maps and exogeneity in nonlinear dynamics. Econometric Theory, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 1135 - 1172. Winning article for the "TJALLING C. KOOPMANS ECONOMETRIC THEORY PRIZE" over the period 2021–2023 Link.
Debaly, Zinsou Max, Truquet, L. (2021) A note on the stability of some Multivariate Count Autoregressions. Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol. 179, 109196. Link
Truquet, L. (2020) Coupling and perturbation techniques for categorical time series. Bernoulli 26(4): 3249-3279. PDF
Truquet, L. (2020) A perturbation analysis of some Markov chains models with time-varying parameters. Bernoulli 26(4): 2876-2906. PDF
Fokianos, K., Truquet, L. (2019) On categorical time series models with covariates.PDF. Stochastic processes and their applications, Vol. 129, No. 9, 3446--3462.
Truquet, L. (2019) Local stationarity and time-inhomogeneous Markov chains. PDF. The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2023-2050. Supplementary material PDF.
Truquet, L. (2019) Root n consistent estimation of the marginal density in some stationary time series. PDF. Bernoulli, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2107-2136. Supplementary material PDF.
Truquet, L (2018) Efficient semiparametric estimation in time-varying regression models. Statistics. Vol. 52, n°3, pp. 590-618. PDF
Cadre, B., Massiot, G., Truquet, L. (2017) A nonparametric test for Cox processes.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Vol. 184, pp. 48-61.PDF
Truquet, L. (2017) Parameter stability and semiparametric inference in time-varying ARCH models. Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series B, Vol. 79, pp. 1391-1414. PDF. Paper presented at RSS International Conference in the session organized on behalf of the RSS Journal Series Editors.
Cadre, B., Truquet, L. (2015) Nonparametric regression estimation onto a Poisson point process covariate. ESAIM: PS, Vol. 19, pp. 251-267.
Truquet, L. (2014) On a family of contrasts for parametric inference in degenerate ARCH models. Econometric Theory, Vol. 30, Issue 6, pp. 1165-1206.
Truquet, L., Yao, Y.-F. (2012) On the quasi-likelihood estimation for random coefficient autoregressions. Statistics, Vol. 46, Issue 4, pp. 505-521.
Truquet, L. (2011) On a nonparametric resampling scheme for Markov random fields. Electron. J. Stat., Vol. 5, pp. 1503–1536.
Kachour, M., Truquet, L. (2011) A p-Order signed integer-valued autoregressive (SINAR(p)) model. Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol. 32, Issue 3, pp. 223-236.
Truquet, L. (2010) A moment inequality of the Marcinkiewicz_Zygmund type for some weakly dependent random fields. Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 80, pp. 1673-1679.
Doukhan, P., Mayo, N., Truquet, L. (2009) Weak dependence, models and some applications. Metrika, Vol. 69, Numbers 2-3.
Doukhan, P., Truquet, L. (2007) A fixed point approach to model random fields. Alea, Vol. 3, pp. 111–132.
2023/2024: Asymptotic statistics and dependence (M2 course) PolyM2
2018/2019 : Cours de stat math. Cours 1, Cours 2, Cours 3
2014/2015 : Cours séries temporelles 2A. Poly, TD1.
2014/2015 : Cours statistique des processus 3A
2013/2014 : Martingales et processus de Levy. Cours+TD.
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