Optimization and numerical methods
- Teacher(s)
- Clément ELVIRA, Paul GEHIN, Erwan GUYADER, Sébastien HERBRETEAU, Adrien LACAILLE, Mohammadreza MOUSAVI KALAN, Gabriel VIELLEFON
- Course type
- Correspondant
- Cédric HERZET
- Unit
UE1-07-M-E-S Introduction to statistical learning
- Number of ECTS
- 2
- Course code
- 1AINF05
- Distribution of courses
Heures de cours : 15
Heures de TP : 18
- Language of teaching
- French
- Evaluation methods
- examen écrit de 2h
Determine the optimum of a function analytically.
Demonstrate the existence of a global optimum.
Write down the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of an optimization problem.
Numerically solve an unconstrained optimization problem.
Course outline
1 Optimization :
– Reminders of differential calculus and linear algebra. General information on optimization and examples.
– Unconstrained optimization: existence, necessary conditions, sufficient conditions.
– Optimization with equality or inequality constraints: bound extrema theorems, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker theorem.
2.numerical methods :
– Gradient methods.
– Newton methods for non-linear systems.
– Direct methods for linear systems.
This course requires all students to master differential calculus and linear algebra.