
ENSAE-ENSAI Foundation

On January 21, 2022, Catherine Gaudy, Managing Director of GENES, and Jean-Paul Cottet, General Delegate of the Fondation de l’École polytechnique, signed the agreement creating the ENSAE-ENSAI Foundation, under the aegis of the Fondation de l’École polytechnique, which is recognized as a public utility.

The aim of the ENSAE-ENSAI Foundation is to contribute to the influence of GENES and its two grandes écoles, ENSAE Paris and ENSAI, in France and abroad.

Thanks to donations from individuals and companies, it is responsible for supporting student projects at these schools, awarding prizes and scholarships, and promoting quality student life. In keeping with the excellence of its training programs, and in order to pursue the development of research at the highest level, the ENSAE-ENSAI Foundation may also create or finance teaching chairs or visiting professorships.

signature fondation ENSAE-ENSAI

I’m delighted with this very important step for GENES, which will enable it to expand its activities and support the development of its schools, ENSAE Paris and ENSAI,” says Catherine Gaudy, Managing Director of GENES.

For his part, Jean-Paul Cottet, General Delegate of the Fondation de l’École polytechnique, comments “I am very pleased to see the scope of the Fondation de l’École polytechnique broaden to support the many ambitions of ENSAE Paris and ENSAI.

We are counting on your support for the development of ENSAE Paris and ENSAI. Naturally, we will keep you regularly informed of the projects supported thanks to your donations.

Thank you for your support!



logo fondation ensae-ensai

Make a donation to the ENSAE-ENSAI foundation

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