First semester
Advanced Time Series
- Course type
- Correspondant
- Unit
UE3 Risk Management - In Depth 2
- Number of ECTS
- 2
- Course code
- 3AGSGR2 - GR
- Distribution of courses
Heures de cours : 3
Heures de TP : 21
- Language of teaching
- French
Master multivariate time series analysis techniques commonly used in applications.
Know how to use estimation procedures in a non-stationary setting (presence of unit roots and cointegration).
Implement the estimation and testing methods presented in the course on real data
Course outline
1: Stationary processes (reminders and extensions): Estimation and testing of ARMA, SARIMA, GARCH, EGARCH processes…
2: Non-stationary processes: estimating and testing unit-root processes and estimating cointegrating relationships.
Time series course in 2A