7 reasons to choose ENSAI
Everything you need to know about the school
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Catherine SCHRAMM
Post-doctorante en Biostatistiques
"Les statistiques au service de la recherche médicale : se rendre utile et ne jamais arrêter d’apprendre."
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Guillaume DESACHY
Biostatisticien Sénior
" Travailler pour différents acteurs du monde de la Santé, en France et à l’étranger : des expériences extrêmement enrichissantes, aussi bien professionnellement qu’humainement ! "
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Responsable de la Division Études
"J’ai la chance de travailler dans une administration où j’ai l’occasion de changer de métier et de région plusieurs fois au cours de ma carrière."
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Jérôme Salaun
Senior IRRBB Risk Manager
" Je travaille sur des sujets stratégiques qui ont pour but d’assurer la résilience d’une banque. L’analyse des données est au cœur de la plupart de nos décisions et c’est exaltant ! "
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Sami Jullien
Research Scientist
After the ENSAI-Erasmus School of Economics (Rotterdam) double degree program, Sami is pursuing a PhD on Reinforcement Learning and its applications to supply chain at the AIRLab, in Amsterdam. Meet Sami.
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Clément Leroux
Risk Quantitative Analyst
After a Scientific High School Diploma, a Mathematics-Physics Preparatory Courses for Competitive Exams and the ENSAI’s Risk Management and Financial Engineering program, Clément is currently Risk Quantitative Analyst at LCL.
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Valentin Guilloton
Chargé d'études
Issu du concours B/L, Valentin a choisi le parcours statisticien public de l'ENSAI. Il occupe aujourd'hui son premier poste à la direction générale de l'Insee avec l'esprit du service public chevillé au corps. Interview.
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Ababacar Ba
Data Scientist Consultant
A transfer student from ENSAE Dakar who graduated from ENSAI in 2017, Ababacar Ba reflects on his academic studies and the choices that brought him to his consulting job at EY.
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Engineering and Public Statistics
Florent, Marie, and Ronan Le Saout, Dean at ENSAI, answer all of your questions about the Engineer Statistician and Public Statistician programs.
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Sarah Bughalo
Senior Data Scientist
A 2016 ENSAI graduate with a focus in Marketing, Sara reflects on her academic path with the motto: Create your own job!
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Steven Golovkine
PhD with ENSAI & Renault after the Smart Data Master
I'm really lucky to be working on a strategic area that will impact our daily life. It's really motivating!
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Hugo Varet
Statistician at the Institut Pasteur
Through his statistical work, Hugo (ENSAI 2011) contributes to research against rare diseases, infectious diseases or cancer.
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Catriona Mitchison and Valentin Patilea
Everything you need to know about the Master in Statistics for Smart Data
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Victor BARRY
Responsable du calcul de la dette publique
"Peu de formations permettent d’accéder à des postes aussi variés et stimulants intellectuellement"
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Senior Analyst Retail
"Les métiers auxquels forme l’ENSAI sont transposables à l’étranger, n’hésitez pas à sauter le pas !"
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Gwendoline VOLAT
Administratrice Données de caisses
"Je peux satisfaire pleinement ma curiosité intellectuelle au fil des postes que j’occupe !"
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Référent qualité
"I’m fortunate to have a challenging and varied career with job security, which is far from negligible. If I had to do it again, I would choose Insee without hesitation."
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Jan van Wyk de Vries
Data Scientist
A native of South Africa, Jan joined the Smart Data program in 2016. He is currently a Data Scientist at Yves Rocher, in Rennes.
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Audrey Thominot
Data Scientist
After doing a Mathematics and Economics Bachelor Degree at Université de Rennes 1, Audrey joined ENSAI’s Risk Management and Financial Engineering program. She currently works at Euler Hermes and uses her “Statistics-IT-Economics” background everyday.
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Noémie Morenillas
Manager at INSEE
Meet Noémie Morenillas (ENSAI Class of 2018): a civil servant statistician currently working as a statistical studies manager at the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies in France (INSEE).
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Marie-Karelle Rivière
A 2011 graduate of ENSAI and with a PhD in Biostatistics, Marie-Karelle Rivière currently works at Sanofi where her research helps her to hone her critical thinking skills.
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Anthony Caruso
In charge of Statistical Studies
Meet Anthony Caruso (ENSAI 2013): a civil servant statistician currently working for the Ministerial Statistical Services (SSM).
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Bastien Luneteau
Lead Data Scientist
Bastien joined ENSAI's Data Science Engineering program after doing B/L preparatory classes in France. Very active in the data science community, he currently works at Datafab.
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Audrey Pichavant
Research Engineer at EDF R & D
Audrey (ENSAI 2011) has joined EDF R & D for its innovation capacity. Today, she shares her work on energy networks with laboratories around the world.
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Mélanie Prague
In charge of research at INRIA