LEGLEYE Stéphane

Directeur des études - Directeur adjoint DOMAINES DE RECHERCHE
  • Méthodologie d'enquête quantitative
  • Epidémiologie
  • Estimations causales
  • Validation d'échelles
Bureau 185 Téléphone 02 99 05 33 22 Email stephane.legleye@ensai.fr Adresse ENSAI
Campus de Ker Lann
51 Rue Blaise Pascal
BP 37203
35172 BRUZ Cedex
  • Méthodologie d'enquête quantitative
    • protocole de collectes
    • enquêtes multimodes
    • sujets sensibles / populations rares ou difficiles à joindre
  • Estimations causales
    • biais de mesure et méthodes de correction
  • Validations de tests
    • Psychométrie, invariance de mesure
  • Epidémiologie sociale, usages de drogues en population générale


Publications méthodologiques

  1. Soullier N, Legleye S, Richard JB (2022), Moving towards a single-frame cell phone design in random digit dialing surveys: considerations from a French general population health survey BMC Medical Research Methodology, doi: 10.1186/s12874-022-01573-1
  2. Legleye S, Rouquette A (2021), Satisfaction générale dans la vie et satisfactions particulières. Structure, interprétation et comparabilité entre populations, document de travail Insee F2021-02
  3. Legleye S, Charrance G (2021), Sequential and concurrent Internet-telephone mixed-mode designs in sexual health behaviour research, Journal of survey statistics and methodology, doi: 10.1093/jssam/smab026
  4. Legleye S (2017), The Cannabis Abuse Screening Test and the DSM-5 in the general population: Optimal thresholds and underlying common structure using multiple factor analysis, Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. doi: 10.1002/mpr.1597
  5. Legleye S, Eslami A, Bougeard S. (2017) Assessing the structure of the CAST (Cannabis Abuse Screening Test) in 13 European countries using multigroup analyses, Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. Mar;26(1). doi: 10.1002/mpr.1552
  6. Legleye S, Pennec S, Monnier A, Stéphan A, Brouard N, Bilsen J, Cohen J (2016), Surveying end-of-life medical decisions in France : evaluation of an innovative mixed-mode data collection strategy, Interactive journal of medical research, 5(1), e8
  7. Legleye S, Charrance G, Razafindratsima N, Bajos N, Bohet A, Moreau C and the Fecond research Team (2016), The use of a non-probability Internet panel to monitor sexual and reproductive health in the general population, Sociological methods research (Epub ahead of print), doi 10.1177/0049124115621333
  8. Legleye S, Bohet A, Razafindratsima N, Bajos N; Fecond Research Team, Moreau C. (2014), A randomized trial of survey participation in a national random sample of general practitioners and gynecologists in France. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2014 Aug;62(4):249-55. doi: 10.1016/j.respe.2014.04.007.
  9. Legleye S, Charrance G, Razafindratisma N, Aline Bohet, Nathalie Bajos, Caroline Moreau (2013), Improving survey participation: cost effectiveness of call-backs to refusals and increased call attempts in a national telephone survey in France, Public Opinion Quarterly, 77(3) 666-695

Publications épidémiologiques (2017-2022)

  1. Legleye S, Aubin HJ, Beck F, Falissard B, Spilka S, Experimenting first with e-cigarettes versus first with cigarettes and transition to daily cigarette use among adolescents: the crucial effect of age at first experiment (2021), Addiction, doi: 1111/add.15330
  2. Aubin HJ, Legleye S, Thomas D, Berlin I., Tobacco smoking: the likely confounder of the association between heart diseases and suicide. (2020), J Intern Med., 10.1111/joim.13065
  3. Chyderiotis S, Benmarhnia T, Beck F, Spilka S, Legleye S., Does e-cigarette experimentation increase the transition to daily smoking among young ever-smokers in France? Drug Alcohol Depend (2020), 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.107853
  4. Khlat M, Legleye S, Bricard D, Gender Patterns in Immigrants' Health Profiles in France: Tobacco, Alcohol, Obesity and Self-Reported Health (2020), IJERPH, 25;17(23):8759. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17238759
  5. Chyderiotis S, Benmarhnia T, Spilka S, Beck F, Andler R, Legleye S, Menvielle G, Why do apprentices smoke much more than high school students? Understanding educational disparities in smoking with a Oaxaca-blinder decomposition analysis (2020), 12;20(1):924. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09050-4
  6. Janssen E, Le Nézet O, Shah J, Chyderiotis S, Brissot A, Philippon A, Legleye S, Spilka S, Increasing socioeconomic disparities in tobacco smoking decline among French adolescents (2000-2017) (2019), 10.1093/pubmed/fdz135, J Public Health (Oxf)
  7. Chau K, Mayet A, Legleye S, Beck F, Hassler C, Khlat M, Choquet M, Falissard B, Chau N., Association between cumulating substances use and cumulating several school, violence and mental health difficulties in early adolescents (2019), Psychiatry Res, 10.1016/j.psychres.2019.112480
  8. Pampel F, Khlat M, Bricard D, Legleye, Smoking among Immigrant Groups in the United States: Prevalence, Education Gradients, and Male-to-Female Ratios, Nicotine Tob Res (2019). doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntz022
  9. Khlat M, Legleye S, Bricard D, Migration-related changes in smoking among non-Western immigrants in France (2019), Eur J Public Health. 2019 Jun 1;29(3):453-457. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cky230.2018
  10. Khlat M, Bricard D, Legleye, Smoking among immigrant groups in metropolitan France: prevalence levels, male-to-female ratios and educational gradients (2019), BMC Public Health (2019). 2018 Apr 11;18(1):479. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5379-8
  11. Legleye S, Rouquette A, Age invariance of the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test in a probabilistic Sample of Cannabis Users (2018), European Addiction Research, 24(1) :37-42, doi : 10.1159/000487480
  12. Aubin HJ, Luquiens A, Legleye S, Berlin I. Associations between substance use disorders and suicide mortality risk should be adjusted for tobacco use disorder, Addiction, 112(11):2066. doi: 10.1111/add.13919
  13. Bricard D, Legleye S, Khlat M, Changes in smoking behaviour over family transitions: evidence for anticipation and adaptation effects (2017), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  14. Bocquier A, Fressard L, Verger P, Legleye S, Peretti-Watel P, Alcohol and cancer : risk perception and risk denial among the French general population (2017), Euro J Public Health, doi :10.1093/eurpub/ckx024
  15. Scodellaro C, Pan Ké Shon JL, Legleye S, Troubles dans les rapports sociaux: le cas de l’anorexie et de la boulimie (2017), Revue française de sociologie, 58(1), 7-40
  16. Pampel F, Bricard D, Khlat M, Legleye S, Life Course Changes in Smoking by Gender and Education: A Cohort Comparison Across France and the United States (2017), Population research and policy review, 36:309, doi:10.1007/s11113-016-9424-y

Livres et chapitres de livre

  1. Peretti-Watel P, Beck F, Legleye S, Les usages sociaux des drogues, PUF, 2007, 240 p
  2. Annaheim B, Legleye S, Short Instruments to screen for “problematic” cannabis use in general population, in Handbook of cannabis and related pathologies biology, pharmacology, diagnosis, and treatment, Preedy V (Ed.), e168-e185, 2018
  3. Huis-clos avec un virus : Comment les Français ont-ils vécu le premier confinement ? Patrick Peretti-Watel (éditeur), Presses du Septentrion, 2022