Enseignant-chercheur en Statistique - Responsable de la coopération internationale du GENES - Directeur du CAPESA DOMAINES DE RECHERCHE
  • Statistique des processus
  • Processus ponctuels spatiaux
  • Combinaison d'estimateurs
  • Auto-similarité et forte dépendance


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Frédéric Lavancier is professor of Statistics at ENSAI since 2023, on secondment from Nantes University, and member of CREST.
He holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Lille University (2006) and an Habilitation (HDR) from Nantes University (2011). He is currently at the head of the international cooperation of Genes.


  • Mastrilli G., Błaszczyszyn B., Lavancier F. Estimating the hyperuniformity exponent of spatial point processes. Submitted, 2024. arXiv
  • Balsollier L., Lavancier F. Parametric estimation and LAN property of the birth-death-move process with mutations. Submitted, 2024. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Le Guével R., Manent E. Feller and ergodic properties of jump-move processes with applications to interacting particle systems. To appear in Journal of Applied Probability, 2024. arXiv
  • Balsollier L., Lavancier F., Salamero J., Kervrann C. A generative model to synthetize spatio-temporal dynamics of biomolecules in cells. Biological Imaging, 3:e22, 2023. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Rubak E. On simulation of continuous determinantal point processes. Statistics and Computing, 33:120, 2023. arXiv
  • Poinas A., Lavancier F. Asymptotic approximation of the likelihood of stationary determinantal point processes. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 50(2):842-874, 2023. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Le Guével R. Spatial birth-death-move processes : basic properties and estimation of their intensity functions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series B, 83(4):798-825, 2021. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Poinas A., Waagepetersen R. Adaptive estimating function inference for non-stationary determinantal point processes. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 48(1):87-107, 2021. arXiv
  • Chernova O., Lavancier F., Rochet P. Averaging of density kernel estimators. Stat. Proba. Letters, 158:108645, 2020. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Pécot T., Zengzhen L., Kervrann C. Testing independence between two random sets for the analysis of colocalization in bio-imaging. Biometrics, 76(1):36-46, 2020. arXiv
  • Coeurjolly J.-F., Lavancier F. Understanding spatial point patterns through intensity and conditional intensities. In Stochastic Geometry, Lecture Notes in Mathematics vol. 2237, Coupier, D (Ed.), Springer, 2019, 45-85.
  • Poinas A., Delyon B., Lavancier F. Mixing properties and central limit theorem for associated point processes. Bernoulli, 25(3):1724-1754, 2019. arXiv
  • Coeurjolly J.-F., Lavancier F. Approximation intensity for pairwise interaction Gibbs point processes using determinantal point processes. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 12(2):3181-3203, 2018. arXiv
  • Bardenet R., Lavancier F., Mary X., Vasseur A. On a few statistical applications of determinantal point processes. ESAIM: proceedings and surveys, 60:180-202, 2017.
  • Lavancier F., Rochet P. A tutorial on estimator averaging in spatial point process models. Journal de la SFDS, 158(3):106-123, 2017. arXiv
  • Dereudre D., Lavancier F. Consistency of likelihood estimation for Gibbs point processes. Annals of Statistics, 45(2):744-770, 2017. arXiv
  • Biscio C., Lavancier F. Contrast estimation for parametric stationary determinantal point processes. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44(1):204-229, 2017. arXiv
  • Coeurjolly J.-F., Lavancier F. Parametric estimation of pairwise Gibbs point processes with infinite range interaction. Bernoulli, 23(2):1299-1334, 2017. arXiv
  • Biscio C., Lavancier F. Brillinger mixing of determinantal point processes and statistical applications. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10:582-607, 2016. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Møller J. Modelling aggregation on the large scale and regularity on the small scale in spatial point pattern datasets. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43(2):587-609, 2016. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Rochet P. A general procedure to combine estimators. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 94:175-192, 2016. arXiv
  • Biscio C., Lavancier F. Quantifying repulsiveness of determinantal point processes. Bernoulli, 22(4):2001-2028, 2016. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Kervrann C. A two-color interacting random balls model for co-localization analysis of proteins. In Geometric Science of Information, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 9389, Nielsen, F and Barbaresco (Eds.), Springer, 2015, 179-186.
  • Lavancier F., Møller J., Rubak E. Determinantal point process models and statistical inference. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series B, 77(4):853-877, 2015. arXiv (extended version)
  • Héas P., Lavancier F., Kadri-Harouna S. Self-similar prior and wavelet bases for hidden incompressible turbulent motion. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 7(2):1171-1209, 2014. arXiv
  • Dereudre D., Lavancier F., Stankova Helisova K. Estimation of the intensity parameter of the germ-grain Quermass-interaction model when the number of germs is not observed. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41(3):809-829, 2014. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Leipus R., Philippe A., Surgailis D. Detection of non-constant long memory parameter. Econometric Theory, 29(5):1009-1056, 2013. arXiv
  • Coeurjolly J.-F., Lavancier F. Residuals and goodness-of-fit tests for stationary marked Gibbs point processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series B, 75(2):247-276, 2013. arXiv
  • Amblard P.-O., Coeurjolly J.-F., Lavancier F., Philippe A. Basic properties of the Multivariate Fractional Brownian Motion. Séminaires et Congrès, 28:65-87, 2013. arXiv
  • Coeurjolly J.-F., Dereudre D., Drouilhet R., Lavancier F. Takacs Fiksel method for stationary marked Gibbs point processes. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 39(3):416-443, 2012. arXiv
  • Lavancier F. Aggregation of isotropic autoregressive fields. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141(12):3862-3866, 2011. arXiv
  • Dereudre D., Lavancier F. Practical simulation and estimation for Gibbs Delaunay-Voronoi tessellations with geometric hardcore interaction. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55(1):498-519, 2011. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Philippe A. Some convergence results on quadratic forms for random fields and application to empirical covariances. Prob. Theory and Related Fields, 149:493-514, 2011. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Philippe A., Surgailis D. A two-sample test for comparison of long memory parameters. Journal of Multivariate Analysis,101:2118-2136, 2010. arXiv
  • Lavancier F., Philippe A., Surgailis D. Covariance function of vector self-similar process. Stat. Proba. Letters, 79(23):2415-2421, 2009. arXiv (Erratum)
  • Dereudre D., Lavancier F. Campbell equilibrium equation and pseudo-likelihood estimation for non-hereditary Gibbs point processes. Bernoulli, 15(4):1368-1396, 2009.
  • Lavancier F. The V/S test of long-range dependence in random fields. Electron. J. Statist, 2:1373-1390, 2008.
  • Lavancier F. Invariance principles for non-isotropic long memory random fields. Statistical Inference and Stochastic Processes, 10(3):255-282, 2007.
  • Lavancier F. Long memory random fields. in Dependence in Probability and Statistics, Lecture Notes in Statistics vol. 187, Bertail, P; Doukhan, P; Soulier, Ph (Eds.), Springer, 2006.
  • Lavancier F. Processus empirique de fonctionnelles de champs gaussiens à longue mémoire. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 342:345-348, 2006. (Preprint (extended version) : Pub. IRMA, Lille, 63(IX):1-26, 2005.)
  • Lavancier F., Caini F., Gazeau A. Plan de sondage pour mesures mobiles de la pollution atmosphérique. Pollution Atmosphérique, 180:551-567, 2003.